Once a twothree-ian, always a twothree-ian!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006,

PAMELA's here again, to PUSH DOWN PYS AND METINEE'S POSTS !! (X So lame, but I know it's terrible for people to come and see that the first post is not by me. (bhb) (: So I post.. Actually is because I'm sian so I come post lah. Hee.

Can you believe it ? Exams are coming. Not very soon, but still quite soon ! So everyone jiayou ! No slacking like before !! (: JIAYOU !

3/29/2006 04:54:00 PM

Sunday, March 26, 2006,

i am here to PUSH pamela's post down!
LOL! =)

i dont really know what to post here.
everytime i visit this blog,
there's always this mixed feeling in me.
i feel happy cause we once walk together as a CLASS
in the short but memorable journey of our lives.
and i feel sad cause,
everything's not the same anymore.
maybe you guys can say that i am a person who's afraid of changes.

i used to wonder how am i going to cope without you guys in the class.
but when it's time for us to part,
i am surprised to find myself coping with it quite well.
except for the feeling of sadness in me.
i guessed that is life.

i hope that you guys are coping well with sec 3 life.
there may be stress,
but i am sure each and everyone of you will be able to pull through.

get on with life,
but rmb to keep the twothree'05 spirit in all of you burning ya?
twothree'05 is not just a memory,
but it's something that all of us belongs to,
we belonged to twothree'05,
we belong to twothree'05,
and we will always belong to twothree'05.
no one can change that fact.

wish you guys best of luck in whatever you do!

P.S anyone who would like to post in this blog can get the password and username from me ya?



3/26/2006 11:12:00 PM

BOOOOO !!! Guess who's here. No, not Tzehock, not Metinee, not Xinyue, not PYS, not Korne. It's me, PAMELA. Yah, lame. Just thought of posting an entry to keep this blog alive. (: See how nice I am.

I really miss 2/3 alot!! (: Let's have a class outing soon okay ? Been ages isnce we ever went about as a class.


3/26/2006 07:21:00 PM